WASHINGTON, D.C. — Yesterday our nation observed Veterans Day, a federal holiday when our country honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. This holiday is celebrated every year on November 11th (observed on the nearest business day) and coincides with holidays around the world that mark the end of World War I. The holiday was originally called “Armistice Day,” until President Eisenhower signed a bill into law in 1954 that changed the holiday’s name.

SDV INTERNATIONAL’s President, Jason Roys, made the following statement yesterday at Arlington National Cemetery:

“Today we honor the sacrifice of those who defend our freedom. This morning I had the pleasure of sharing a breakfast with two hard working veterans who continue to serve our country as civilians. This afternoon, here at Arlington National Cemetery this afternoon, I am celebrating the lives of my two grandparents who are interned here.

It is especially important that our country takes care of our veterans. SDV is honored to play a role in that care, and we are honored to work in military treatment facilities around the world and at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers and clinics across the country.

SDV INTERNATIONAL’s CEO, Michael Perry, served more than 25 years in the United States Air Force. All of us at SDV, including Michael and the many veterans on our teams, honor those veterans in our lives - today and every day.”