Based on more than five years of successful performance at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), SDV INTERNATIONAL was recently awarded several new contract engagements by the agency. SDV INTERNATIONAL provides FAA with a broad range of comprehensive professional and support services. The firm's support to FAA includes long-term activities, and on a limited basis and when in the best interest of the Government, other federal government agencies, nationwide and globally.
FAA has benefited by awarding millions of dollars in contracts to SDV INTERNATIONAL based on results, consistent performance rating of excellent by government officials at the agency, and competitive pricing. In its award this week, FAA has partnered with SDV INTERNATIONAL to acquire Computer Systems Support (CSS), Computer/Information Systems Development (CSD), and Engineering Services (ES). This award comes as a follow-on to SDV INTERNATIONAL's Business Administration & Management (BAM) past performance at FAA.
Global Reach
SDV INTERNATIONAL supports complex global programs in complex environments for the Federal Aviation Administration. Agency stakeholders involved in these contracts include, industry, local governments and the federal government, including government-to-government engagement between FAA and the US Department of State for language services.